I'm a terrible blogger. Sometimes I'm here. Sometimes I'm not. If you're still following me, thank you. You are truly patient and I never forget about you, even when I don't post a blog.
Thing is, when I'm either painting or writing, plus doing all the other day-to-day stuff needed around the house, there is so little time. You know that. You probably goof off from things that need your attention, too. But I always say I will to do better, and I mean it at the time. This fiction writing business is very time-consuming, and it's not just the sitting down at your computer and pouring your soul out. I mean the "business" side of things -- the marketing, promotion, email lists, BookBub, Booksprout, AllAuthor, Bookbrush, Booksweeps, bookfunnel, StoryOrigin, BookTuber, SilverDagger-BookTours-- and these are just the few that Victoria Jayne recently suggested. I have another list of my own in development.
The reason I'm blogging today is because my novel, "Summer Must End", will be available soon, finally released to the general fiction-reading public world-wide, through the usual outlets. Sounds like a best-seller, doesn't it, introducing it that way? But you all know how hard it is to find readers. I'm still waiting for them to find the other two books that were published a few years ago. A few reviews, or a couple of hearts, would be delightful. I'm not getting any younger...just saying.
It's a nice, suspenseful story, aimed at women who no longer consider themselves chicks--a lot of us out there, of course. I've included a link to the first chapter, just enough to whet your appetite. Just click
First Chapter
Jacket Blurb (Still working on it)
Dwyer has had serious disappointments to deal with lately—she’s lost her job
and her lover moved out. Over the hill, is she? Buying an old house, miles from
nowhere, with the idea of running a bed and breakfast, might be considered an
impulsive decision, but she is undaunted, figuring this is her last chance to
prove her true calling: Taking care of people.
with the usual country education—raising chickens, adopting barn cats, getting a
dog, plus a sheep called Marilyn, she makes friends with people who have far
more interesting stories to tell than most city folk she’s known. And she
discovers that it’s not too late for sex, even love.
is unexpected violence, too, something she is familiar with herself, but it
won’t shape this new life. No one messes with Mel—not now that she’s found
herself. And who said country life was boring?
Before I close, I want to share a lovely poem written by a dear English relative, Sheila Richards. It's a nice way to close, gentle and inspiring as it is. She's another (like me) painter/writer and the illustration is her own. Thank you, Sheila. You've poshed up my blog.

Until next time. Should be able to point you to the novel's actual availability.